Deals, Effortless Savings.

Shop smarter, not harder. it.


How it works.


Never Miss a Deal Again

Our Chrome extension and web app work together to ensure you always get the lowest price, no matter where you shop.

Never Miss a Deal Again

Your Personalized Shopping Assistant

Create wishlists, track price drops, and shop strategically with PrizeSkout's smart tools.

Your Personalized Shopping Assistant

Timing is Everything

Get real-time price alerts and know exactly when to buy to maximize your savings.

Timing is Everything

Effortless Coupon Finds

PrizeSkout uncovers the best available coupons—just apply them at checkout to maximize your savings.

Effortless Coupon Finds

Price Comparison Made Easy

Instantly compare prices from top retailers and find the best deals in seconds.

Price Comparison Made Easy

Shop Globally, Save Locally

Convert prices to your currency with ease, making global purchases straightforward and simple.

Shop Globally, Save Locally

Discover a Smarter Way to Shop Online.

Say goodbye to endless searching and overpaying! With PrizeSkout, finding the best deals is just made easier. Our tools and accurate price comparisons empower you to save money, time, and energy—every time you shop.


Verified coupon codes added weekly


Wishlist items tracked


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Savings Community

Our Mission

Prize Skout helps you shop smarter by instantly finding the best deals, so you save time and money with ease.

What our Users are Saying

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review user whala siyus

Whala Siyus

New York, USA

If you're not using Prizeskout, you're missing out on serious savings. This extension has made me a more confident and savvy online shopper. I appreciate the convenience it offers, and I'm grateful for the discounts it finds.

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